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Mini Sprinkler

Mini sprinklers, also called 1⁄2'' impact plastic sprinklers, are devices that distribute water in small to medium-sized areas using low volumes. They are suitable for permanent or semi-permanent installations and can be used for a variety of crops, including potatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, cabbage, cauliflower, groundnuts, mustard, pulses, tea, and nurseries. Mini sprinklers are often used in smaller gardens, lawns, and agricultural fields.

Mini sprinklers can:

  • Provide uniform water application
  • Ensure water percolation in soil
  • Provide overhead light
  • Provide frequent irrigation
  • Cover entire area without harming plants
  • Save water
  • Save labor

When choosing mini sprinklers, you can consider things like:

  • Head movement: The sprinkler should rotate freely at low water pressure
  • Bottom bearing: The sprinkler should be able to withstand high water pressure 

Mini sprinklers can be installed 8–10 meters apart, regardless of crop spacing. For full coverage, the ideal spacing is 4–8 feet between the mini sprinklers, and 5–8 feet between the laterals, up to a maximum distance of 130 feet.

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